
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Some Stuff...

I have gotten two pages up since my last post. The last two pages have been simple compared to the fight scene. This is an appropriate wind down. I have really toned down the lighting effects, because I haven't been doing elaborate backgrounds. I have been really happy with the line art in the last couple of pages. Jamie did a really good job with the pencil and the actual ink turned out spectacular. My pride is especially centered on the gun. When I first finished it, I was showing it off to everyone.

I would like to apologize in advance that the next few pages may be late. I haven't had a chance to get started on them yet, but the pencil by Jamie is amazing.

I have a special announcement for the comic, actually. We will soon be using this blog as a mirror for the comic. The tab that is labeled "Ice Pick" that links back to the comic will be replaced with the mirror.However the mirror on this site will be one week behind the Drunk Duck site.

And I have a public service announcement: Voting for the Drunk Duck Awards starts tomorrow. Please consider us for an award or two. The Drunk Duck Awards 2012!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Fight Scene!

I had been looking forward to making and posting page 11 since March. I finally got it up on Sunday. Now I'm going to show some side by sides for the last two panels of the page.

In March, these were two of the pictures we took for concepts. The angle is different from the comic but it still shows some of the movement.

Once again, my husband is playing the role of Danny while my little brother is the attacker. My husband also included some draw n concepts for Jamie to reflect the angle that he wanted to show of the fight scene.

Jamie sent this drawn page back to us.

He changed up the panel on the left to show that Danny is winding up for the punch. In a total of a week, I finished the page.

My motion lines will turn out a lot better in the next two pages. 

Now, there was one part that was hard about doing this page. Last week, we got a kitten. He likes to attack the computer screen, walk all over the keys, and sit on my shoulders. So, any major issues with this page, I can blame on this critter.

Friday, June 8, 2012


I have been very busy lately and almost couldn't get the page in on time. I started my job in full swing at a water park. Since this is a job with the public, I can't do what I did with other jobs and work on comics. At past jobs and comics, when I was the sole artist, I could get my drafting done, and even, on some occasions, inking. Since my job for this comic is purely digital, I can only work on it at home. It makes things very frustrating for me. The only thing I have been able to occupy my time with is reading. If I was disloyal, I would find a project I could have lead on so I have something to do at work.

I'm looking forward to next week because that is the meat of this fight scene. I will be able to do side by side comparisons of the concept photos and the actual fight scene.